Rapidly onboard your products with Ombre

Ombre is Omnibus Barcode Reader that enables you to scan barcodes & magically import products into Omnibus

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Quick Explainer

How does Ombre Work?

Install the app

Install the mobile app from the App Store or Play Store

Sign In

Sign in with the same credentials as your Omnibus admin account

Scan Product Barcodes

Select product category and scan barcodes of your products

Reach success

Omnibus automatically builds your product catalogue. Set pricing and inventory

How does Ombre help you?

Just Scan Your Barcodes

Barcodes scanned by Ombre are processed by our servers and products are automatically created in your catalogue. It's like magic!

Reduce your costs

Ombre is substantially cheaper than hiring teams for data entry

Uses Artificial Intelligence

We leverage cutting edge language models to generate product information


Ombre is protected by the same secure system protecting the rest of your data

Saves Time

Data entry is time consuming. Ombre is fast - Just Scan, and that's it

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More info?

We have written an article to help you understand more about Ombre

Download on Google Play
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